Kategorie: IT
3ds Max’s 3DS Export Creates Duplicate Vertices
Ok so you are probably at the point where you have some code working to calculate smooth normals using 3ds Max’s smoothing groups (for instance on spheres) or just by taking the average normal of adjacent triangles. But although your code is working fine you see ugly seams on your mesh because of different normals…
FRITZ!Box 7390 Überspannungsschutz
Blitzschutz für das Telefonkabel an der FritzBox Aus aktuellem Anlass kann ich nur jedem raten, einen Überspannungsschutz zwischen Telefonbuchse (TAE-Dose) und Fritz Box zu installieren. Ein Überspannungsschutz an der Steckdose und am Fernsehkabel reicht einfach nicht aus, denn auch durch die Telefonleitung kann bei Gewitter viel zu hohe Spannung an der FRITZ!Box anliegen und diese…
ATI Multisample glBlitFramebuffer Driver Bug
Nasty ATI OpenGL driver bug when using a multisample framebuffer (FBO) with a GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_EXT renderbuffer attached During the last few days I was wondering why the lens flare in one of my OpenGL games was broken on the ATI Radeon HD 5850 with latest drivers. On my NVidia 8800 GTS and ATI Mobility Radeon HD…
Striker Extreme + 4x Corsair CM2X1024-6400C4
If you are going insane with your ASUS Striker Extreme motherboard in combination with four Corsair CM2X1024-6400 CL4 DDR2 PC800 memory modules this might help you. With only two 1 GB modules (2 GB total) you can run it at recommended timings, voltage and frequency (everything should be set manually in BIOS): CAS-Latency: 4 RAS…